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Gender Reassignment Surgery (GRS)
The word sex and gender are commonly used interchangeably, but many linguists would argue that their usage is quite distinct. Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics, while gender refers to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities. 

Many people claim to be uncomfortable with their biological sex and its associated gender role. These people are called “Transgender” Transgender refers to individual who identify with a gender identity that differs from that usually associated with their sex at birth. The gender assigned is usually based on the appearance of the external genitalia. Transexual refers to individuals who have undergone surgery to change the appearance of their birth genitalia to the opposite of their biological sex.

MedAsia Healthcare Complex offers a variety of Gender Reassignment Surgery. Our focus is not only on the sexual change of the person but as a whole to attain the satisfaction the person wants to achieve for fulfilling the kind of gender he/she chose.

Our main Gender Reassignment Program consists of Female to Male Surgery (FTM), “Lower Surgery” or Hysterectomy/ Salpingo- oopherectomy Colpectomy (Vaginectomy Scrotoplasty) for females. For men, our main surgery is Male to Female (MTF) Sex Re-assignment Surgery (SRS) or Genital Reconstruction Surgery and Tracheal Shave or Adam’s Apple Contouring.

  1. Male to Female (MTF) Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) or Genital Reconstruction Surgery- this is to re-assign the patient’s sex from male to female that involves the use of skin, tissues and sexual sensory nerves of the patient to transform the male sexual organ into a female sexual organ. Also, this is done to create an erotic sensate area including clitoris, labia minora, labia majora and vaginal opening to achieve satisfactory vaginal depth and to preserve orgasm during sexual intercourse.

    • This procedure consists of 4 steps:

      • This is a combination of a penile skin inversion and an immediate full thickness skin graft. The vaginal canal and opening is created beneath the urethral opening and prostate gland. Vaginal depth is of concern to most patients. The most important factor in creating this depth is the amount of penile shaft skin. The technique that lengthens the depth of the vagina is using the full thickness skin graft from the scrotal. Hair on the scrotum must be removed so that the skin graft is placed at the distal end of the penile skin flap. This technique can lengthen the depth at least 2 more inches.
      • A portion of the glans (head of the penis), with its nerves and vessels, is converted into a clitoris. In so doing, the clitoris will be functional in sensation as well as appearance.
      • The excess erectile tissue around the urethra should be removed in order to avoid symptoms that stem from engorged erectile tissue during sex arousal that may result in the narrowing of the vaginal opening.
      • Colon transposition is used for patients who need more depth (exceeding 8 inches)

  2. Tracheal Shave (Adam’s Apple Contouring)- a surgical procedure in which the thyroid cartilage reduced in size by shaving down the cartilage through an incision in the throat, generally to aid trans women in achieving a passable female appearance.

  3. Female to Male Surgery (FTM) is divided into 3 main groups:

    • Chest Reconstruction (Mastectomy/ “Top Surgery”)- it is to create a male looking chest. This includes removing breast tissue, excess skin, resizing and repositioning the nipple and the dark area around areola. This also includes preserving as much sensation as possible and trying to minimize scarring
    • Metoidioplasty- a surgical change toward to male. An ongoing testosterone treatment in a Trans man typically causes his clitoris to grow longer. The amount of clitoral growth varies with each individual.
    • Phalloplasty- it is construction of a penis to make it big. This procedure consists of four stages:

      • Prepare urethral for abdominal tube (can be performed with Hysterectomy and Ovary removal)
      • Penile reconstruction from abdominal skin (not recommended reconstruction from back hand and will create a lot of scar)
      • Connect urethral and re-touch penis
      • Insert ball implants (Testicles)
      • This surgery will take 1 to 2 hours and under General Anesthesia.
In addition to our main Gender Reassignment Program, we also have Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) and other procedure to enhance sexual appearance that consists of:
  1. Alarplasty- to trim the wide flaring and large open nasal
  2. Blepharoptosis- surgical modification of dropping upper eyelid
  3. Brow Lift Surgery- to provide a more feminine expression
  4. Buccal Fat Removal- removes the fat pads in the lower cheeks as a remedy for what is known as “chipmunk cheeks” to have a more oval shape.
  5. Chick Augmentation (Malar Augmentation)- intended to emphasize the chicks on the person’s face
  6. Cheek Bone Contouring (Cheek reshaping)- reduces the height of the cheekbone in case of extremely prominent cheekbone.
  7. Chin Augmentation- reshapes and increases the size of the chin for better projection and appearance.
  8. Double Eyelid- procedure that change the appearance of upper eyelid to have a double eyelid
  9. Ear Pinning ( Otoplasty)- it sets back prominent ears closer to the head.
  10. Forehead Lift- minimizes forehead creases, drooping eyebrows, and tightening the forehead to better feminine look
  11. Full Face Lift- includes forehead, jaw, cheek and neck
  12. Hair Transplant Surgery- to replace hair loss because of baldness
  13. Jaw Contouring- usually done for large jaws to make the face smaller and narrower.
  14. Labia Repair (Labia Reduction, Labiaplasty)- procedure that reduces skin excess so that labia minora are even or within labia majora
  15. Lip Enhancement- to improve the appearance of the lips by increasing fullness trough Lip enlargement.
  16. Lip Reduction- to achieve a harmonious relationship between the upper and lower lips that is in balance with the entire face as well as to attain normal lip competence.
  17. Liposuction- eliminates accumulated fat in certain body parts only.
  18. Lower Hairline Surgery- usually done for males to achieve more feminine look
  19. Mandible Angle Resection Surgery (Jaw Contouring)- usually done for large jaw bones to make face look smaller and narrower.
  20. Metoidioplasty for Female to Male- a surgical method towards becoming a male. Usually called “Small Penis”.
  21. Mini Face Lift- usually include cheek and jaw lift only.
  22. Nose Reconstruction Surgery- used to feminize a masculine nose.
  23. Rhinoplasty- it creates an attractive bridge curve and natural looking face.
  24. SRS (Sigmoid Colon) Sex Change Surgery- used in patients who already had undergone sex change surgery but still need more depth in their sexual organ (male to female).
  25. Tip Plasty- procedure to change the nasal tip because of narrow, wide, boxy, bulbous nasal tip.
  26. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)- it removes excess fat and skin, and in most cases restores weakened and separated muscles creating an abdominal profile which is smoother and firmer.
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