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LASIK and Eye Surgery
Close your eyes and imagine you have not seen ever since the world and yourself. You will not have an idea with what it looks like when you only feel it. Eyes are very important for the human body. It helps the human body to do its tasks with coordination. Without it, a man won’t be able to see the beauty of this wonderful world. Eyes are the windows of the soul. Without eyes, the five basic senses would not be completed. So, it should be present.

With the new technologies, many of us spend most of the time sitting in front of a computer, laptop or television screen. Continuous glaze decreases moisture in eyes and causes dryness. It is important to take breaks to give proper rest to our eyes. We should also look away periodically from our computer screen during long working hours. Use of antiglare screens, or anti glares glasses is recommended to avoid problems caused by computer screen radiations.

Here at MedAsia Healthcare Complex, we created several specialty clinics programs to help maintain the optimum function of the eyes as well as early detection of untoward disease that may hinder the function of the eyes and early treatment.
  1. Eye Check-up- we created several eye check up programs that will suit the appropriate need of a person depending on their age and symptoms that they are experiencing.

    A. Healthy Ocular Check up (HOC)- the precise eye check up program for people of all ages. This program is divided according to age.
    • Standard: All ages- Screening any abnormalities of the eyes with the use of Vision Tester.
    • Premium: age >40 years old- Check for Glaucoma and Cataract
    • Platinum: age >55 years old- Complete eye examination. This procedure is done by dilating the pupils for 2 hours. With this, the examiner can check the full pupil and retina of the eyes. 

    B. Diamond Class for Eye Detection- This procedure uses the machine Optovue 3D Laser scanning. This machine has ultra high speed, high resolution for retina imaging and analysis. Also, this help for early detection of any abnormalities in Retina and Cornea before symptoms of disease occurs like Glaucoma, early AMD, etc. 
  2. Cataract Clinic- this program focuses on the detection and early treatment of cataract. We uses advanced system for cataract removal.

    A. Infiniti Vision System- allows physicians to provide patients with customized cataract surgery. This gives a shorter surgery time resulting to précised and accurate surgery. 
    B. Ozil Technology- uses Tortional ultrasound which improves chamber stability, improved follow ability because of non-stop cutting action which increases the efficiency and reduces surgical time.
  3. Lasik is a popular surgical procedure to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Lasik makes permanent changes to correct refractive errors. It has short period of surgical time and has rapid recovery that result to a quick return of usable vision. This type of procedure has 3 laser programs depending on individual’s needs. 
    • Optimum Lasik- an operation that maintain the shape of the patient’s cornea after surgery for better quality vision by ASA (Aspheric Smart Ablation) program with more accurate result and saves the corneal tissue by TSA (Tissue Saving Oblation) program.
    • Wavefront Lasik- uses 3-dimensional measurements of how your eye processes images to guide the laser in re-shaping the cornea. With this procedure, some extremely precise, individualized vision correction outcomes may be achieved. This not only improve how much you can see, visual acuity measured by the standard 20/20 eye chart, but also how well you can see in terms of contrast sensitivity and fine detail.
    • Ultimate Lasik- this is a customized cornea correction by TOPO-Link technology like fingerprint. This surgery suits those who have irregular surface of cornea or high cornea astigmatism.

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