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Special Disease Detection Services in Thailand
Special Disease Detection Services in Thailand

Early detection of diseases is important in order to stop them right at their tracks so they don’t do more harm to the body. Although some health conditions cannot be treated, early detection stops the onset of worse symptoms and paves the way for medical cures that can help the patient.

We all know that early detection of any disease prevents it from damaging our system further. There are some types of diseases that can be cured. But if they are detected in their primary stage action can be taken to ensure that more severe symptoms don’t occur. There are some viral infections, which are spread through sexual or direct contact. These infections should be detected as soon as possible so that they are not transferred to another healthy individual while the patient is seeking treatment. It is important that you get medical treatment for the diseases, which can be eradicated completely from your body before they can do further harm.

Hormone Test

In Thailand, Hormone Test is the newest procedure ordered by specialists. It addresses aging as a type of disease. Before undergoing medical treatments or aging, the patient should undergo several examinations, such as HGH, IGF-1, DHEA and testosterone levels. The baseline levels of these substances should be established in order to determine the best aging treatment for the patient. These examinations can establish a person’s aging process, as they can indicate the decrease in hormone levels. The results of the tests can alert the specialist to recommend hormone replacement therapy and other procedures as necessary.

For females, a hormone test is necessary not only to fight aging, but to diagnose menopause as well. The results can show the levels of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen, both of which play a role in menopause. Symptoms of menopause can be uncomfortable, and with Hormone testing, our specialists can analyze the baseline levels and prescribe hormones in order to treat the patient.

Apart from hormone testing, there are other diagnostic examinations that can be done at MedAsia Healthcare Complex to detect menopause. Some of the tests can inform the specialist of the menopausal stage that the patient is undergoing, as some are interested in knowing what they will go through. With hormone testing, the patient will have peace of mind because she knows that the discomforts she is experiencing are all because of menopause. Some menopausal symptoms can be alarming at first, but with the aide of hormone examinations, the patient won’t have to worry that she’s suffering from a disease or illness.

Prostate Test (PSA)

Prostate Cancer is the second most prevalent type of cancer in men, after skin cancer. In a study conducted by the National Cancer Institute, results have shown that 63% of prostate cancer cases occurred in aged men (65 and older.)

Apart from age, there are other risk factors that heighten a man’s possibility of acquiring prostate cancer, such as race and familial disposition. Men whose fathers or brothers have developed prostate cancer are at risk of suffering from this illness as well. The cause of prostate cancer remains unknown, but early diagnosis and cure have been proven effective in decreasing the chances of metastasis (cancer spreading throughout the body.)

The prostate gland produces a type of protein called Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA), which is necessary in diagnosing the condition in patients in Thailand. An increase in PSA levels is common in old men. Another thing that causes PSA levels to rise is prostate ailment, whether it is benign or malignant.

Anti-Aging Specialists at MedAsia Healthcare Complex commend men who are aged 50 and above to get a yearly PSA blood test. But if you have a high risk of suffering from prostate cancer, you can undergo the examination at age 40.

Thyroid Function

The thyroid gland is an essential part of the endocrine system. It plays a role in the usage of energy and the creation of proteins in the body. It also produces thyroid hormones that are carried by the blood to the different parts of the body. Patients with decreased thyroid hormone levels can suffer from a variety of conditions, with the following symptoms:
  • Tachycardia or increased heart rate
  • Weight gain or eight loss or
  • Tiredness, easy fatigability or weakness
  • Anxiety
  • Being too hot or too cold
  • Irregular or frequent menstruation
TSH, also known as the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, is in charge of regulating the hormones produced by the Thyroid gland. It also stimulates the gland to produce two types of hormones, T3 and T4, both of which play a role in the body’s metabolism.

TSH level tests are conducted by our specialists to determine why an illness has occurred, and if it’s caused by the Pituitary gland or the Thyroid gland. The TSH test usually comes in hand with the T3 and T4 exams. These markers have long been used to determine if one has an overactive gland (Hyperthyroidism) or an underactive gland (Hypothyroidism.)

Whatever your Thyroid condition, there are many ways that it can be cured. With Thyroid function tests, our specialist at MedAsia Healthcare Complex can prescribe you the appropriate medication or treatment.

Heart & Cholesterol

In the United States, heart conditions account for the most number of mortalities in both men and women. Although a history of heart attack can increase your risk, you can lower your chances of developing it by changing your lifestyle. Consulting your doctor in Thailand about examinations and tests can help you protect your heart from a variety of problems.

Heart Disease in Numbers
  • 785,000: the number of Americans who will suffer from their first heart attack this year.
  • 470,000: Americans who will succumb to two to three heart attacks.
  • 316 billion: the amount of dollars that will be spent because heart disease medications, hospitalization fees, and productivity losses.
  • 27: percentage of people who are knowledgeable of the symptoms of heart attack.
  • 47: percentage of deaths attributed to heart disease that will occur outside a hospital.
Who are at risk of suffering from Heart Disease?
  • Men have a higher risk of developing heart disease. However, the risk for women will gradually increase with age. At old age, both men and women have the same risk percentage.
  • Patients who have relatives who have suffered from heart attacks.
  • Those who have been diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus.
  • Those who suffer from hypertension or elevated blood pressure.
  • People who smoke. (This is a preventable risk factor though.)
Patients in Bangkok who want to determine their predispositions should undergo examinations such as lipid profiles, homocysteine levels and high sensitivity CRP, among many others. Even if you feel well today, the results of these examinations can help your specialist in treating you as you get older.

There are many treatments for the patients with high cholesterol. If you want your cholesterol levels to get back to normal, you need to eat a healthier diet, perform exercises regularly, and change some things in your life. Subjecting yourself to diagnostic exams every so often can help you win the war against heart disease.

Vitamins & Nutrition

Every year, millions of citizens from Bangkok and all around the world spend their hard-earned money on vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, they have no idea if they are benefitting from it. If you want to know if these supplements help you, you need to undergo some lab tests.

Vitamins, from its name, are vital to your body. Alongside minerals, vitamins are important in maintaining the health of your skin, organs, muscles, and bones. They also help obtain the chemical energy from food, which is important in the utilization of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

One can get his daily dose of vitamins from the foods and supplements that he takes. However, not all vitamins can be acquired by these means. For one, Vitamin K is synthesized by intestinal microbes, while Vitamin D is generated with the assistance of sunlight. Recent studies have shown that Vitamin D is just as important as other vitamins, yet it is not considered by most doctors.

Unfortunately, eating the right kinds of foods and taking the right supplements are not enough. Some people can suffer from “Hypervitaminosis” if they eat too much. To prevent the lack or oversufficiency of vitamins, you need to undergo lab examinations such as Vitamin Profile, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin B12 tests. Baseline measurements of your vitamin levels can be obtained with these diagnostic procedures. With the results your specialist in Thailand can help you determine if you need more vitamin supplements or not.

Cancer Screening

Genetics, smoking, chemical and radiation exposure are just some of the causes of cancer. However, there are types of cancers that can’t be attributed to any risk factor. Despite this, modern advancements have paved the way for more cancer cures and treatments.

At MedAsia Healthcare Complex several lab exams can be done to determine tumor markers. These markers represent a particular variety of cancer. Some exams are differentiated according to gender. Undergoing these tests as prescribed by the specialist can help detect cancer earlier time, so the patient can enjoy better prognosis and more effective treatment.

People at risk of suffering from cancer, especially those with genetic dispositions, should participate in cancer screening. Despite having no risks, if you are concerned about your health, you should visit your specialist and ask for tumor marker examinations.

Diabetes Testing

Diabetes Mellitus is an endocrine problem wherein the body is inefficient in producing and utilizing insulin. Caused by genetic predisposition and lifestyle factors, Diabetes results in high blood glucose levels. In Thailand, about 20,000 citizens die from Diabetes-related deaths every year. Sadly, half of these people do not know they have the condition. Blood glucose level monitoring should be done regularly in order to keep safe from Diabetes. Here are some symptoms that usually result from Diabetes:
  • Blurred vision
  • Scrapes and cuts that heal slowly
  • Unusual thirst
  • Unexplained tiredness and fatigability
  • Numbness or tingling sensation in the hands or feet
  • Frequent urination
  • Immediate weight loss
If you find yourself suffering from more than one of these symptoms, you need to visit your specialist in Bangkok to have your blood sugar levels checked. An examination recommended by the National Institute of Diabetes and the Digestive and Kidney Diseases Association is the Hemoglobin A1C exam. The yielded results can show your blood sugar levels for the past two to three months. It can also demonstrate if you have managed to adhere to your target blood sugar level. Elevated blood glucose levels, especially during a prolonged period of time, can have damaging effects on the body. Diabetes increases one’s risk of suffering from heart attack, stroke, kidney conditions, and vision problems.

Type 2 Diabetes is a condition that occurs later on in life. Those who suffer from this condition are usually 45 years old (and above), obese, and live a sedentary lifestyle. Other risk factors are:

- Family members who have diabetes and pre-diabetes
- Ethnicity: Hispanic American, African –American, Asian-American, Native American, Pacific Islander
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus; have given birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds
- Hypertension or high blood pressure
- Increased levels of triglycerides and LDL cholesterol; decreased levels of HDL cholesterol

Take care of your health and have your blood glucose monitored by our Anti-Aging specialist at MedAsia Healthcare Complex.

Bone Marker, Bone Turnover

Poor bone health can lead to several health conditions. In Thailand, fractures and osteoporosis have been blamed as causes of several deaths. Bone density scanning is an efficient way of monitoring bone health, yet there are other exams that can be highly beneficial as well.

Because elderly patients are at risk of breaking their bones, the specialists require their aged patients (65 years and older) to undergo bone-mineral density testing every 24 months. This exam utilizes x-rays in determining the calcium amount in different areas of the bone. The result can show if the person is at risk of suffering from fractures. With denser bones, you have more calcium and improved bone health.

Dual X-ray Absorptiometry or DEXA is the most common bone mineral density examination done in Thailand. It visualizes the spine and the hips. Considered safer by specialists, it only utilizes 1/10 of the radiation usually given off by chest x-rays. Although it has a smaller amount of radiation, your specialist will consider the cumulative effects of radioactivity along the way. Although ultrasound can be used to monitor bone density without the added radiation, most specialists order DEXA because it’s the most systematized procedure available.

The fact of the matter is osteoporosis is a severe illness. Throughout the course of her lifetime, a female is at risk of suffering from hip fractures. At 17%, the risk for hip injuries is higher than that of acquiring breast cancer. Sadly, 70% of the women who experience this type of injury will have to depend on a caregiver for long-term assistance.

According to the specialists at MedAsia Healthcare Complex, the best ways to avoid osteoporosis are the following:
  • Perform weight-bearing exercises
  • Decrease consumption of animal proteins (meat, eggs and dairy)
  • Avoid junk foods such as snacks and sodas
  • Balance your hormones
  • Take magnesium supplements
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