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Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) in Thailand
Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) in Thailand

Ear Surgery, also known as Otoplasty, is an effective surgery for reshaping the appearance of ears that have unattractive characteristics. Whether they are protruding, pointy, or too large, ear surgery can give a person a dramatic new appearance in which they can gain new self-confidence

The Best Time for Ear Surgery is During Youth

When the surgeon has determined that patient is a candidate for the Ear Surgery. He will then verify and review the patient’s medical history including previous surgeries, medications currently being used, and any known allergies to any medications. After these protocols have been completed, an appointment can be made for the operation.

How Ear Surgery is Done

The surgical process is concentrated around the backside of the ears. Small amounts of skin and cartilage are removed to reshape the each ear. Sometimes the surgeon will remove the cartilage and trim it to the desired shape and hold it together with stitches and the reinsert it into the ear. Other methods include no removal of cartilage whatsoever, but merely stitching it up behind the ear to hold it in place to remold its shape. The incisions made are conveniently hidden behind the ears, so there is no reason to worry about visible and unsightly scarring.

The tissue that has been incised behind the ears is pulled together and sutured up when the operation has been completed. Recovery time is about a week and care should be taken when taking showers to not wet the area extensively during the healing process. Other physical activities may be resumed as normal about a month after the surgery.

Professional Ear Surgery (Otoplasty) Available in Thailand

MedAsia Healthcare Complex in Thailand specializes in Ear Surgery and all other types of facial plastic surgery. This institution has licensed and highly experienced and international accredited surgeons and personnel who are very adept at servicing foreigners and providing them with exceptional care. It is our wish to be able to offer our medical services to those visiting and living in Thailand who seek high quality treatment at very reasonable prices. Our facility is new and has cutting edge technology which is comparable to anything available to what Europe, America, and Australia have.
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