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Fat Injection in Thailand Increasingly Popular
Fat Injection in Thailand Increasingly Popular

As we age, we lose that edge of beauty that gives us a better feeling about ourselves and boosts our self-confidence. Luckily, with today’s technology, there are ample ways to alter one’s facial characteristics that might have gravitated towards a less than desirable appearance. One popular and effective therapy is fat injection. This treatment can restore and revive the skin’s pliability and youthful appearance. The fat injection smooth over wrinkles and is taken from the patient’s own body from other more fatty areas.

The contouring done through fat injection can create a new and more vibrant face by complementing the total shape of the face. Fat injection does not merely remove aging lines, sagging skin, and crow’s feet, it allows for a complete facial makeover for amazing beautification results. Fat injections will have to be performed again in subsequent months However, this differs greatly from patient to patient and the process is relatively harmless as the body is reabsorbing its own fatty tissue. The surgeon performing fat injections will discuss these aspects of the surgery with you in detail.

Consultation and Surgical Process

After the initial medical history analysis and consultation with the surgeon, an appointment will be made to remove or harvest fat from a designated location on your body for the fat injection procedure. The most common extraction sites are from the abdomen and hips. The adipose tissue or fat to be used for injection is separated from the unusable components that are retained in the tissue by using a centrifuge. Fat injections are made with a syringe into sites that have been previously determined and marked on the face.

A local anesthetic is injected into the facial area near the planned site for fat injection. The fat is then injected into the lips, creases of the nose, and cheeks. The whole process takes about and the procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis. Risks associated with this surgery are most commonly infection and reabsorption issues. These are issues that can be dealt with by the dermatologist handling your surgery. Because of varying reabsorption rates for each patient, there are other materials which can be used for injection such as collagen and Botox, which will last longer.There are newer therapies such as lipostructure which keeps the fat cells alive while injecting them into the patient with the intent of preventing reabsorption from occurring. This is a more specialized surgery, but it is a viable option to discuss with your surgeon.

Thailand has become a really popular place to get this procedure done in and MedAsia Healthcare Complex is one of the most recognized and capable medical facilities that can accommodate most any medical needs. There are more and more people traveling to Thailand to get high quality medical care done at reasonable prices and we invite you to do the same. We strive to provide the best for our patients and our staff and medical personnel are highly trained and experienced in medical institutions overseas, giving them the necessary training to offer skills comparable to any western country.
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